
食品百貨堅果種子穀物混合堅果什錦雜果-Back to Nature, Bar Harbor Blend, 10 oz (283 g)

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  • No Artificial Preservatives, Flavor or Colors

  • Since 1960

  • Of Pure Enjoyment

  • Simple Ingredients ? Simply Delicious ? Simply Good

A Delicious Blend of Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds, Vanilla Almon髮旺旺ds, and Cranberries

For over 50 years, Back to Nature has passionately created foods with wholesome grains, real nutrition, and the de床的世界licious flavor of nature free from artificial ingredients. We give people truly flavorful, wholesome foods made with simple ingredients.

Here's the Great Stuff about Bar Harbor Blend

Vanilla Almonds and Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds are a special treat in this satisfying mix. Tangy Dried Cranberries are the exclamation point that makes this nut blend irresistible.

Back to Nature, Bar Harbor Blend, 10 oz (283 g)







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