食品,百貨健康零食Jerky-Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克)
或許大家都聽過Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克),但印象中Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克),而且宅配到府完全不用搬Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

如果你還在考慮Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Grain Free
- Made with 100% Grass Fed Organic Beef
- Certified Gluten-Free
- Live Epic. Eat Epic.
- 11 g Protein Per Serving
- Soy Free
- With No Growth Hormones
- Made with Uncured Bacon
- With No Nitrites -Except for Those Naturally Occurring in Celery Powder and Sea Salt
- No Antibiotics Added
- No Preservatives
- 100% Grass Fed Diet
Like all EPIC beef products, we begin this bar by honoring the innate ability of the mighty ruminate to convert grass into delicious animal protein. Our 100% grass fed beef is not only pasture centered but also free range ?. In true spirits of giving consumers what they want, we then added a generous serving of uncured bacon. For the grand finale, we included dried organic apples to harmonize with the savory notes of dominant meaty goodness. The end result is a carnivore's best dream!
髮旺旺This EPIC bar is inspired by the legendary Bison bar and reigns with tried and true All-American ingredients that have deep cultural and historical roots. The first settlers at Jamestown in 1607 brought cattle for protein, apple seeds for cultivation, and hearty pigs for fat. True to the spirit of our pioneering forefathers, these glorious food sources are celebrat,ed today in the form of your new favorite EPIC bar. 髮旺旺
? Never Confi床的世界ned to a Feedlot
Epic Bar, 牛肉,蘋果+ 未醃製培根棒,12條,每條1.5盎司(43克)
