
食品百貨健康零食脆脆片-Made in Nature, Organic Toasted Coconut Chips, Mexican Spiced Cacao, 3.0 oz (85 g)

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A New Snapsation!

Pop a handful of our Mexican Spiced Cacao Toasted Coconut Chips into your mouth, then sit back, relax and let your taste buds take a spin. Snap! That's the crisp, caramelized crunch of our deliciously delicate chips. Next, comes the rich, dark-earthy flavor of organic cacao subtly blended with organic maple syrup for the ultimate delight. And if that's not enough, a hint of organic cayenne pepper sweeps in for just a slight kick of spice. Snap! Snap! And you're in love. Now here's the great news- Made In Nature's Toasted Coconut Chips are made with nothing but pure, organic ingredients and no refined sugar or artificial flavor. Our nutritious nuggets are energy packed with nothing but real food and real flavor. So go ahead and indulge. It's all good.

Searching The Globe For Flavor

We searched the world over from Mexico to Sri Lanka to Thailand (somebody has to do it), looking for the best tasting, organic coconut on the planet. And, not only did we find the most luscious, fresh coconuts to use for our Organic Toasted Coconut Chips, but they're also gluten-free and packed with fiber. So, while you savor the flavor, know that they're good for you, good for the planet and good for the people who grow them.

Inspiration From Our Kitchen

Made In Nature's Organic Coconut Chips are roasted in small batches to ensure that each bite is always snapilicious. They're the perfect pick-me-up at work or at play, but you won't want to stop there. Add a spark to any meal from banana yogurt parfait to Thai-style rice pudding to tortilla soup. Sprinkle on coconut cake or Mexican mole. Create your own granola and add dried cranberries, pineapples, or even a few chocolate chips.

Made in Nature, Organic Toasted Coconut Chips, Mexican Spiced Cacao, 3.0 oz (85 g)





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