
健康主題能量,疲勞能量配方-Maximum Human Performance, LLC, 優質系列,BCAA-XL,橘子味,10.6盎司(300克)

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如果你還在考慮Maximum Human Performance, LLC, 優質系列,BCAA-XL,橘子味,10.6盎司(300克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~

  • Ultra BCAA With Extra Leucine 10:1:1 BCAA Ratio
  • 5 g BCAAs
  • 4.1 g Leucine
  • 0 g Sugar
  • Naturally & Artificially Flavored
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Official MHP Product
  • Manufactured In a GMP Compliant Facility
  • Driven by MHP Science
Reach Your Maximum Human Performance


Re髮旺旺ach your MHP with our exclusive Premium Series. Every product label tells you exactly what's in the bottle, so you know you're getting science-driven sports performance in every serving.

BCAA-XL delivers 5 g of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) with over 4 g of the anabolic trigger leucine - 19% higher than the leading brand. BCAA's, and in particular leucine, are crucial for stimulating muscle protein synthesis to promote muscle growth, strength and recovery so you can survive the rigors of your intense 床的世界training.

Whether you're an athlete, bodybui床的世界lder, fitness enthusiast or just looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, BCAA-XL will take your workouts and recovery to a whole new level. So grab a shaker and enjoy this sugar free, delicious and refreshing anabolic cocktail before, during or after your workouts.

Maximum Human Performance, LLC, 優質系列,BCAA-XL,橘子味,10.6盎司(300克)






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